The Time Course of the Competition Between Grouping Organizations


Previous research on the competition between grouping organizations focused mainly on their relative strength as measured by subjective reports of the final percept. Considerably less is known about the underlying representations of the competing organizations. We hypothesized that when more than 1 organization is possible, multiple representations are constructed for the alternative organizations. We tested this hypothesis using the primed-matching paradigm. Our primes depicted either a single grouping principle (grouping into columns or rows by brightness similarity, connectedness, or proximity) or 2 grouping principles (brightness similarity and connectedness, or brightness similarity and proximity) that led to competing organizations (e.g., grouping into columns by brightness similarity and into rows by connectedness, or vice versa). The time course of representation construction was examined by varying prime duration. Significant priming effects of similar magnitude were found for the individual grouping organizations. These effects were modified when 2 competing organizations were present in the prime, indicating that both organizations were represented and competed for dominancy.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 43(3), 608–618
Perceptual Organization Competition